livret du CD CD St Nicolas Mons CD St Nicolas Mons CD St Nicolas Mons

The Firm


METZ (57) - Eglise Saint Martin

1773 : Nollet
1950 : Roethinger

Electro-pneumatic action

2004, Cleaning and overhauling

Organ advisers : Christian Lutz

Opening recital: Norbert Petry

The organ was originally made in 1773 for Klausen Abbey in Germany by Romanus Benedictus Nollet.  It was moved to Saint-Martin in Metz in 1804 and underwent several modifications and enlargements, including interventions by Daublaine & Callinet in1843, Jean-Frédéric Verschneider in1876 and Jean Blési in1895 before being entirely electrified by Roethinger.  By 1990 it had fallen silent and it was not until fourteen years later, in 2004, that Jean-Baptiste Gaupillat carried out the minimum necessary to make it playable again before it was restored as closely as possible to its original state.

toul cathedrale



Photos of the work

Quotation from the official terms and conditions

Grand Orgue Positif Récit Expressif Pédale
Bourdon 16
Montre 8
Bourdon 8
Flûte 8
Gambe 8
Prestant 4
Flûte 4
Nasard 2’ 2/3
Doublette 2
Tierce 1’ 3/5
Piccolo 1
Cornet V
Plein-jeu IV
Bombarde 16
Trompette 8
Clairon 4
Quintaton 16
Montre-Viole 8
Bourdon 8
Flûte 8
Prestant 4
Flûte 4
Quinte 2’ 2/3
Flageolet 2
Clarinette 8
Bourdon 8
Flûte Harmonique 8
Eolienne 8
Voix Céleste 8
Flûte octaviante 4
Cymbale IV
Trompette harmonique 8
Basson-Hautbois 8
Cromorne 8
Voix humaine 8

Contrebasse 16
Soubasse 16
Quinte 10’ 2/3
Octavebasse 8
Flûte 4
Bombarde 16
Trompette 8


Tremblant Positif

Tremblant Récit

I/P – II/P – III/P



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